Ep.5/ Take a breather

Yesterday was June 21st: Summer Solstice. The longest day of the year and an important time to reflect. It was interesting to me that when I brought this up, someone stated “so it’s all downhill from here then” regarding the summer light and nights getting darker - a very negative way to look at the half-way point of 2023. I would like to take this chance to influence others to use this time to look back on all that you have achieved and how you have grown since January 1st. It’s also exciting to think that we still have the rest of the year to achieve so many great things, make new connections and most importantly, grow within.

Summer Solstice also celebrates International Yoga Day which allows us to acknowledge the significance of yoga. I have been lucky enough to spend my day flowing in the happiness of yoga and sharing this with my friends and colleagues. It was a chance for us to regain lots of energy from the sun being at its highest point in the sky offering us the most hours of daylight.

So, how has yoga changed my life and what could it do for you?

I have to admit, I never really bought into yoga as a “fitness” activity coming from a Gymnastics and strength training background - I always found it to be too “airy fairy”. However, due to work and personal circumstances I decided to give yoga a go and completely fell in love with progressing and being totally free - giving myself time and space (2020 Sacha would currently be laughing). I felt so lucky to work somewhere that offered yoga multiple times a week which then led me to completing my Level 3 Diploma in Teaching Yoga early last year.

Yoga helped me to understand that the breath is a very important and the most readily available tool we have to regulate our bodies and mind - something I wish I had learnt much earlier. Having gone through a particularly difficult year in 2022, this was my “go to” to escape the stressors of everyday life and be present in the moment.

Yoga helped me to be uncomfortable. Now, that may sound strange, but the ability to be comfortable with discomfort is an incredibly valuable tool. There will be situations in your life which you have zero control over, but one thing you can control is how they make you feel. Having practiced equanimity on the mat, it gave me strength and perseverance in real life.

Yoga has always been there for me when I needed it most. It gets me out of my head and into my body and breath. This is particularly important when I may feel in a slump - after a yoga session or practicing breathwork my productivity is massively increased.

Yoga helps me to better understand my body and its amazing capabilites. It has helped me to discover how I use my body in day to day life and how this will impact me and my goals.

Yoga has taught me the real meaning of freedom. How to let things go that no longer serve me. This is especially important when it comes to how others may perceive you - that is only their opinion. You know the real you and don’t need to hold on to that worry.

I’m much more confident in myself due to my yoga practice. I can push myself to my limit, not only on the mat but in my other training and also within my career goals and aspirations.

Yoga taught me to be kind to myself and put myself first.

“Yoga adds years to your life, and life to your years”.


Ep.4/ Looking after you